
Teachers' team













2022.04-至今,  天津大学,环境科学与工程学院,副研究员


2017.09-2019.03美国佐治亚理工学院,联合培养,导师Spyros G. Pavlostathis



2011.09-2014.07,兰州交通大学环境工程专业 硕士,导师王亚娥/李杰






[1] Eco-Environment & Health(EEH)青年编委 2023

[2] 国际微生物电化学技术学会(ISMET)会员 2023

[3] Water 特刊客座编辑 2022-2023

[4] Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Environmental Research等期刊审稿人





[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,污泥裂解液低质热能促进生物电化学法氨回收的增效机制,2022-2024,30万,在研,主持

[2] 山东省重点研发计划子课题:面向工业生产物质循环回用的物化-生化耦合强化技术, 2020-2023,在研,参与

[3] 博士后科学基金特别资助(站中),污泥裂解液地址热能促进微生物电化学系统回收氨调控策略,2022-2023,18万,结题,主持

[4] 博士后面上项目,微生物电渗析驱动污泥裂解液中氨回收技术研究,2020-2022,8万,结题,主持

[5] 国家水体污染治理重大专项,天津滨海工业带废水污染控制与生态修复综合示范项目,2018-2021,215万,结题,项目骨干

[6] 国家自然科学基金国际合作重大项目,弱电能介入型生物强化处理系统中毒害性有机污染物的定向转化及调控机制,2019-2022,500万,结题,主要参与



[1] S. Zhai, M. Ji, Y. Zhao, S.G. Pavlostathis*. Biotransformation of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid under nitrate reducing conditions in MEC bioanode, Environmental Science & Technology. 2021, 55, 2067-2075.  

[2] S. Zhai, D. Zhang, W. Liu, B. Wang, B. Liang, C. Liu, R. Zeng, Y. Hou, H. Cheng*, A. Wang*. METs assisted nitrogen recovery from different wastewater sources: Performance, life cycle assessment, and challenges, Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2023, 194, 107000. 

[3] S. Zhai, Y. Zhao*, Min Ji, W. Qi. Simultaneous removal of nitrate and chromate in groundwater by a spiral fiber based biofilm reactor. Bioresource Technology. 2017, 232, 278-284.

[4] S. Zhai, H. Cheng, Q. Wang, Y. Zhao*, A. Wang, M. Ji. Reinforcement of denitrification in a biofilm electrode reactor with immobilized polypyrrole/ anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate composite cathode, Journal of Environmental Mangement. 2022, 315, 115203. 

[5] S. Zhai, M. Ji, Y. Zhao*, S.G. Pavlostathis, Q. Zhao. Effects ofsalinity and C/N on denitrification and bacterial community in dicyclic-type electrode based BER. Chemosphere. 2018, 192: 328-336

[6] S. Zhai, M. Ji, Y. Zhao*, X. Su. Shift of bacterial community and denitrification functional genes in biofilm electrode reactor in response to high salinity. Environmantal Research. 2020, 186, 109007.

[7] S. Zhai, M. Ji, S.G. Pavlostathis, Y. Zhao*. Impact of hydraulic retention time and current on the microbial community and denitrification genes in a continuous-flow biofilm electrode reactor. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2018, 94, 933-941.

[8] S. Zhai, M. Ji, Y. Zhao*. A dicyclic-type electrode based biofilm reactor for simultaneous nitrate and Cr(VI) reduction. Bioprocess and Biosystem Engineering. 2018, 42, 167-172.

[9] D. Zhang1, S. Zhai1(共一), R. Zeng, C. Liu, B. Zhang, Z. Yu, L. Yang, X. Li, Y. Hou, A. Wang, H. Cheng*. Enhancement of ammonia recovery by introducing tartrate-EDTA-Fe complex into catholyte as electron mediator in bioelectrochemical-stripping system. Enviornment Science & Ecotechnology. 2022, 11, 100186. 

[10] D. Xu1, S. Zhai1 (共一), H. Cheng*, G. Awoke, H. Wang, J. Han, C. Liu, A. Wang*. Wire-drawing process with graphite lubricant to prepare graphite coated stainless-steel anode for bioelectrochemical systems. Environmant Research. 2020, 191, 110093.

[11] X. Zhou, S. Zhai*, Y. Zhao*, D. Liu , Q. Wang, M. Ji. Rapid recovery of inhibited denitrification with cascade Cr(VI) exposure by bio-accelerant: Characterization of chromium distributions, EPS compositions and denitrifying communities, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 411, 125087. 

[12] Q. Wang, Y. Zhao*, S. Zhai*, D. Liu, X. Zhou, Y. Wang, C. Jonnathan, M. Ji. Application of different bio-promoters to accelerate the recovery of denitrification and denitrifying functional microorganisms inhibited by transient Cr(VI) shock, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 420, 126664.

[13] Y. Zhao, X. Qiu, Z. Ma, C. Zhao, Z. Li, S. Zhai*. Fabrication of Pd/Sludge-biochar electrode with high electrochemical activity on reductive degradation of 4-chlorophenol in wastewater. Environment Research. 2022, 209, 112740.

[14] Q. Wang, X. Li, W. Liu*, S. Zhai, Q. Xu, C. Huan, S. Nie, Q. Ouyang, H. Wang, A. Wang*. Assessment of GHG emission reduction via carbon source recovery from waste sludge and on-site utilization in a wool processing industrial WWTP: A pilot-scale study. Enviornment Science & Ecotechnology. 2023, 14, 100235.

[15] X. Peng, K. Dong*, C. Ye, Y. Jiang, S. Zhai, R. Cheng, D. Liu, X. Gao, Z. Wang*. A breathable, biodegradable, antibacterial, and self-powered electronic skin based on all-nanofiber triboelectric nanogenerators. Science Advances. 2020, 6, eaba9624.

[16] K. Yang, Y. Zhao*, M. Ji, Z. Li, S. Zhai, X. Zhou, Q. Wang, C. Wang, B. Liang*. Challenges and opportunities for the aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation of chlorophenols. Water Research. 2021, 193, 116862.

[17] K. Yang, M. Ji, B. Liang, Y. Zhao*, S. Zhai, Z. Ma, Z. Yang. Bioelectrochemical degradation of monoaromatic compounds: Current advances and challenges. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020, 398, 122892.

[18] K. Chen1, H. Wang1 (共一), B.V. Perez, S. Zhai, L. Vezzaro*, A. Wang*. Optimal control towards sustainable wastewater treatment plantsbased on multi-agent reinforcement learning. Chemosphere. 2021, 3, 130498.

[19] A. Guadie, J. Han*, W. Liu, Y. Ding, M. Minaled, F.O. Ajibadea, S. Zhai, H. Wang, H. Cheng, N. Ren, A. Wang*. Evaluating the effect of Fenton pretreated pyridine wastewater under different biological conditions: Microbial diversity and biotransformation pathways. Journal of Environmental Management. 2021, 287, 112297.

[20] 翟思媛, 赵迎新, 季民*. 自养-异养反硝化协同作用强化污水深度脱氮研究进展. 水处理技术. 2018, 44, 1-6.