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2018/01- 至今 天津大学,环境科学与工程学院,教授

2008/10- 2017/12 ,天津大学,环境科学与工程学院,副教授

2005/08-2008/09 ,天津大学,环境科学与工程学院,讲师

2002/9 - 2005/7,北京师范大学,地理学与遥感科学学院,自然地理学专业博士

1999/9 - 2002/6,天津师范大学,城市与环境科学学院,环境科学专业硕士

1995/9 - 1999/6,天津师范大学,城市与环境科学学院,地理专业学士


[1]《大气污染跨区域传输和行业关联的分区分类技术指南(征求意见稿)》 ,提交生态环境部大气环境司并得到应用采纳。











[1] 山东某企业, 技术咨询, 2022GZX-0002, 废弃食用油脂两种可行利用途径的生命周期评价, 2022-02 至 2022-04, 15万元, 在研, 主持

[2] 科技部, 国家重点研发计划, 2018YFF0215704, 服务领域典型服务的水足迹减量评价关键技术研究, 2018-05 至 2022-01, 29万元, 结题, 参与

[3] 科技部, 国家重点研发计划, 2018YFC0213602, 基于星地一体化多元数据的大气污染跨区域传输与经济关联研究, 2018-12 至 2022-01, 109万元, 结题, 参与

[4] 生态环境部环境规划院, 技术咨询, 2019GZX-0040, 第二次全国污染源普查非工业企业单位锅炉普查数据汇总与成果开发技术支持, 2019-05 至 2020-05, 45万元, 结题, 主持

[5] 生态环境部环境规划院, 技术咨询, 2019GZX-0047, 普查数据汇总分析与第三方评估技术支持, 2019-05 至 2019-11, 18万元, 结题, 主持

[6] 生态环境部环境与经济政策研究中心, 技术咨询, 2018E1-0007, 城市生态空间划定的经济理论基础及量化评估关键技术研究 , 2018-07 至 2018-12, 10万元, 结题, 主持

[7] 中国-东盟环境保护合作中心, 技术咨询, 2018GZX-0028, 汽车行业供应链研究及绿色供应链管理潜力分析, 2018-07 至 2018-12, 10万元, 结题, 主持

[8] 生态环境部环境规划院, 技术咨询, 2018GZX-0038, 第二次全国污染源普查火电行业普查数据宏观质量校核技术方案编制, 2018-06 至 2018-11, 20万元, 结题, 主持

[9] 生态环境部环境与政策研究中心, 技术咨询, 2017E1-0010, 典型城市/城市群差异化目标考核体系研究, 2017-04 至 2017-12, 10万元, 结题, 主持

[10] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重点项目, 71834004, 可再生能源发展的驱动机理及路径选择:行为、市场与政策, 2019-01-01 至 2023-12-31, 245万元, 在研, 参与

[11] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 41871211, 基于区域间自然与经济关联的大气污染减排成本收益研究, 2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 57.5万元, 在研, 主持

[12] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41571522,基于区域行业关联的大气污染物排放驱动力研究、2016/01-2019/12、结题,主持。




[1] Fang Liu, Xiang Guo, Yuan Wang, Guanyi Chen, Lian Hou. 2021. Process simulation and economic and environmental evaluation of a corncob-based biorefinery system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 329. (SCI检索, IF=9.297)

[2] Guanyi Chen, Xutong Wang, Jiao Li, Beibei Yan, Yuan Wang (通讯作者)et al. 2018. Environmental, energy, and economic analysis of integrated treatment of municipal solid waste and sewage sludge: A case study in China. Science of The Total Environment, 647:1433-1443. (SCI检索, IF=7.963)

[3] He Weiwei; Wang Yuan*; Zuo Jian; Luo Yincheng; Sectoral linkage analysis of three main air pollutants in China's industry: Comparing 2010 with 2002, Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, 202:232-241. SCIE.

[4] Huibin Du, Jianghong Guo, Guozhu Mao, Alexander M. Smith, Xuxu Wang, Yuan Wang. 2011. CO2 emissions embodied in China–US trade: Input–output analysis based on the emergy/dollar ratio. Energy Policy, 39: 5980-5987. (SCI检索, IF=2.723)

[5] Jiao Li, Yuan Wang, Beibei Yan. 2018. The hotspots of life cycle assessment for bioenergy: A review by social network analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 625,1301–1308. (SCI检索, IF=7.963)

[6] Lanxin Zhang, Yuan Wang(通讯作者), Cuiyang Feng, Sai Liang, Yu Liu, Huibin Du, Ning Jia. 2021. Understanding the industrial NOx and SO2 pollutant emissions in China from sector linkage perspective. Science of The Total Environment, 770(4):145242. (SCI检索, IF=7.963)

[7] Lee, L. C., Wang, Y., Yan, Y., & Zuo, J. (2021). Water Footprint of Chinese tourists: Directions and Structure. Journal of Hydrology. (Moderate revision, 第一作者, IF=4.500)

[8] Li Yixi; Wang Yuan*; Rui Xue; Li Yaxiu; Li Yang; Wang Huanzhi; Zuo Jian; Tong Yindong; Sources of atmospheric pollution: a bibliometric analysis, Scientometrics, 2017, 112(2):1025-1045. SSCI.

[9] Lien-Chieh Lee, Yuan Wang(通讯作者), Guozhu Mao, Jian Zuo,Zhibin Wang,Musa J. Sanyang,George Zillante,Yun Sun,Tan Xu.   2021. Spatial characteristic of environmental protection businesses: a study of A-Share Listed Environmental Companies in China. Environment Development and Sustainability, 23(12): 18598-18617. (SCI检索, IF=3.219)

[10] Lien-Chieh Lee, Yuan Wang(通讯作者), Jian Zuo. 2021. The nexus of water-energy-food in China's tourism industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 164. (SCI检索, IF=10.204)

[11] Lien-Chieh Lee, Yuan Wang(通讯作者), Yuanyuan Yan, Jian Zuo. 2018. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Embodied in the Chinese International Trade of Computer Products. Sustainability 2018, 10, 1623. (SCI检索, IF=3.251)

[12] Like Wang, Yuan Wang(通讯作者), He He, Yaling Lu, Zhihua Zhou. 2019. Driving force analysis of the nitrogen oxides intensity related to electricity sector in China based on the LMDI method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 242:118364-118364. (SCI检索, IF=9.297)

[13] Like Wang, Yuan Wang, Huibin Du, Jian Zuo et al. 2019. A comparative life-cycle assessment of hydro-, nuclear and wind power: A China study. Applied Energy, 249(SEP.1):37-45. (SCI检索, IF=9.746)

[14] Lu Y., Wang Y., Li B., et al. Temporal and spatial variations in haze research: a bibliometric analysis [J]. Environmental Reviews, 2020.

[15] Lu Y., Wang Y., Wang L., et al. Provincial analysis and zoning of atmospheric pollution in China from the atmospheric transmission and the trade transfer perspective [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019.

[16] Lu Y., Wang Y., Zhang W., et al. Provincial air pollution responsibility and environmental tax of China based on interregional linkage indicators [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019.

[17] Lu, Yaling; Wang, Yuan; Zuo, Jian; Jiang, Hongqiang*; Huang, Dacang; Rameezdeen, Raufdeen; Characteristics of public concern on haze in China and its relationship with air quality in urban areas, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 637:1597-1606. SCIE, SSCI.

[18] Tao Sun, Hongwei Zhang, Yuan Wang*(通讯). The application of information entropy in basin level water waste permits allocation in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2013,70:50-54.( SCI 检索)

[19] Tao Sun, Hongwei Zhang, Yuan Wang*(通讯)The application of environmental Gini coefficient(EGC) in allocating wastewater discharge permit: the case study of watershed total mass control in Tianjin, China.Resources, Conservation and Recycling.2010,54(9):601–608. (SCI 检索)

[20] Wang L., Wang Y., He H., et al. Driving force analysis of the nitrogen oxides intensity related to electricity sector in China based on the LMDI method [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020.

[21] Wang Yuan; Lai Nan; Mao Guozhu*; Zuo Jian; John Crittenden; Jin Yi; Juan Moreno-Cruz; Air pollutant emissions from economic sectors in China: A linkage analysis, Ecological Indicators, 2017, 77:250-260. SCIE.

[22] Wang Yuan; Liu Huiwen; Mao Guozhu*; Zuo Jian; Ma Junling; Inter-regional and sectoral linkage analysis of air pollution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (Jing-Jin-Ji) urban agglomeration of China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 165:1436-1444. SCIE, SSCI.

[23] Wang, L., Wang, Y., & Lee, L. C.*. (2020). Life cycle water consumption embodied in inter-provincial electricity transmission in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 122455. (SCI一区,通讯作者, IF=7.246)

[24] Wang, Y., Li, J., Lee, L. C.*, Wang, M., & Du, H. (2019). A review of input–output model application hot spots in the energy and environment fields based on co-words network analysis. Environmental Reviews, 27(4), 567-574. (SCI二区,通讯作者, IF=4.176)

[25] Yuan Wang, Fenfen Bi, Zengkai Zhang, Jian Zuo, George Zillante, Huibin Du, Huiwen Liu, Jiao Li. 2018. Spatial production fragmentation and PM2.5 related emissions transfer through three different trade patterns within China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 195, 703–720. (SCI检索, IF=9.297)

[26] Yuan Wang, Nan Lai, Jian Zuo, Guanyi Chen, Huibin Du. 2016. Characteristics and trends of research on waste-to-energy incineration: A bibliometric analysis, 1999-2015. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 66: 95-104. (SCI检索, IF=14.982)

[27] Yuan Wang, Shengnan Geng, Peng Zhao. et al. 2016. Cost-benefit analysis of GHG emission reduction in waste to energy projects of China under clean development mechanism. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 109:90-95. (SCI检索, IF=10.204)

[28] Yuan Wang, Xinming Li, Yun Sun, Lanxin Zhang, Zhi Qiao, Zengkai Zhang, Heran Zheng, Jing Meng, Yaling Lu, Yue Li. 2020. Linkage analysis of economic consumption, pollutant emissions and concentrations based on a city-level multi-regional input–output (MRIO) model and atmospheric transport. Journal of Environmental Management, 270:110819. (SCI检索, IF=6.789)

[29] Yuan Wang, Yuanyuan Yan, Guanyi Chen, Jian Zuo, Huibin Du. Effective approaches to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions from Waste to Energy Process: A China Study. Resources, Conservation and Recycling (SCI三区). Volume 105, Part A Pages 103-108。发表时间:2015年11月.

[30] Yuan Wang, Yue Li, Zhi Qiao. 2019. Inter-city air pollutant transport in The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration: Comparison between the winters of 2012 and 2016, Journal of Environmental Management, 250: 109520. (SCI检索, IF=6.789)

[31] Yuan Wang、Wenqin Wang、Guozhu Mao,Hua Cai, Jian Zuo, Lili Wang, Peng Zhao. 2013. Industrial CO2 emissions in China based on the hypothetical extraction method: Linkage analysis. Energy Policy. 62:1238-1244.(SCI检索, IF=2.696)

[32] 方修琦,王媛(通讯),魏本勇,等. 中国进出口贸易碳转移排放测算方法分析与评价[J]. 地球科学进展. 2011,26(10): 1102-1108.

[33] 方修琦,王媛,徐锬,等. 近20年气候变暖对黑龙江省水稻增产的贡献. 地理学报. 2004, 59(6): 820-828.

[34] 和夏冰,王媛(通讯),张宏伟,王文琴,王丽丽,我国行业水资源消耗的关联度分析,中国环境科学,2012,(04):762-76.

[35] 刘航驿,颜蓓蓓,林法伟,王媛,王旭彤,陈冠益. 2021. 生命周期视角下两种餐厨垃圾资源化处理方案的对比分析. 环境工程, 1-10. 北大中文核心期刊.

[36] 毛国柱; 骆胤成; 王媛*; 何韦苇; 刘慧文; 中国大气污染物重点行业减排分析——基于假设抽取法和价格传导影响系数, 中国环境科学, 2018, 38(4):1561-1569. EI, 北大中文核心期刊.

[37] 王丽丽,王媛(通讯),毛国柱,赵鹏,中国国际贸易隐含碳SDA分析,资源科学,2012,(12):2382-2389.

[38] 王媛,程曦,殷培红,张雪花,影响中国碳排放绩效的区域特征研究——基于熵值法的聚类分析,自然资源学报,2013,(07):1106-1116.

[39] 王媛,方修琦,田青,等. 气候变暖及人类适应行为对农作物总产变化的影响——以黑龙江省1990年代水稻生产为例. 自然科学进展. 2006, 16(12): 1645-1650.

[40] 王媛,李玥,乔治,卢亚灵.京津冀城市群大气污染传输规律研究——两组排放清单的比较分析 [J].中国环境科学,2019,39(11):4561-4569.

[41] 王媛,牛志广,王伟. 基尼系数法在水污染物总量区域分配中的应用[J]. 中国人口.资源与环境. 2008,18(3):177-180.

[42] 王媛,王丽丽,何彧,程曦,王文琴,国际贸易中隐含碳计算方法的比较——以2007年中国为例,资源科学,2012,(10):1845-1854.

[43] 王媛,王文琴,方修琦,等. 基于国际分工角度的中国贸易碳转移估算. 资源科学. 2011,33(7):1331-1337.

[44] 王媛,魏本勇,方修琦,等. 基于LMDI方法的中国国际贸易隐含碳分解[J].中国人口.资源与环境. 2011,21(2):141-146.

[45] 王媛,张宏伟,刘冠飞. 效率与公平两级优化的水污染物总量分配模型[J]. 天津大学学报. 2009. 42(3):231-235.(EI)

[46] 王媛,张宏伟,杨会民,等.信息熵在水污染物总量区域公平分配中的应用[J]. 水利学报. 2009, 40(9):1103-1107. (EI)

[47] 魏本勇,王媛,杨会民,等. 国际贸易中的隐含碳排放研究综述[J]. 世界地理研究. 2010, 19(2): 138-147.

[48] 杨会民,王媛(通讯),刘冠飞. 2002 年与2007 年中国进出口贸易隐含碳研究[J]. 资源科学. 2011, 33(8): 1563-1569.

[49] 殷培红,董文福,王媛. 温室气体排放环境监管. 中国环境科学出版社. 2012.

[50] 张宏伟,和夏冰,王媛(通讯). 基于投入产出法的中国行业水资源消耗分析[J]. 资源科学. 2011,33(7): 1218-1224.

[51] 张鸿宇,王媛,卢亚灵,王琰玮,余超,王军霞,曹东,蒋洪强.我国臭氧污染控制分区及其控制类型识别[J/OL].中国环境科学:1-10[2021-07-01].

[52] 张增凯,刘慧文,杜慧滨,王媛(通讯作者),贾宁,田津. 2022. 京津冀地区大气主要污染物虚拟治理成本分摊研究. 环境科学学报,42(2):1-7.


[1] 王媛; 何彧 ; 城镇生活垃圾处理系统碳核算软件V1.0, 2013SR025616, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2012-12-25  (软件著作权)

[2] 王媛; 杜慧滨; 李露露; 潘洲; 平立映 ; 基于星地一体化的大气环境-经济多元数据平台V1.0, 2021SR0164237, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2020-11-10  (软件著作权)

[3] 王媛; 刘慧文; 项翠云; 薛俊韬; 陈勇 ; 一种生物质气化系统的安全联锁控制方法, 2018-12-4, 中国, ZL201610470879.5      (专利)

[4] 王媛; 何彧; 颜蓓蓓 ; 一种城镇生活垃圾处理系统温室气体排放监测方法, 2012-6-13, 中国, ZL201110413530.5   (专利)


[1] Wang Yuan; Li Yue; Wang Like; Calculation of the maximum allowable emissions of air pollutions in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, 资源可持续发展国际会议(icRS)口头报告, 阿德莱德大学, 2019-7-1至2019-7-3.

[2] 王媛; 卢亚灵 ; Public concern on haze based on Baidu big data and its relationship with air quality in China, Big data in management science and environmental studies, 剑桥大学, 2019-9-30至2019-10-5


[1] 王媛,毛国柱,乔治,张增凯,等. 大气污染跨区域行业关联特征研究 [M]. 北京:中国环境出版社,2021(书号:ISBN978-7-5111-4737-0)

[2] 殷培红,董文福,王媛.温室气体排放环境监管. 中国环境科学出版社. 2012.

[3] 殷培红,王媛,李蓓蓓.金融危机前主要经济体温室气体减排路径研究. 中国气象出版. 2014.