
Teachers' team









2015年5月 韩国仁荷大学、日本筑波大学访问交流。

2013年11月至2014年11月 美国 Georgia Institute of Technology访问学者,访问实验室为 Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems,该中心由环境领域Top期刊“Environmental Science & Technology”副主编、美国工程院院士John Crittenden 教授主持。

2012年10月— 2013年5月加拿大 University of Waterloo访问学者。

2008年—至今  天津大学环境科学与工程学院工作

2008  博士学位 天津大学 环境科学与工程学院   环境工程专业

2003  硕士学位 天津大学 环境科学与工程学院   环境科学专业

2000  学士学位 天津大学 环境科学与工程学院   环境工程专业



















1. 2018年开始指导在读研究生创业,将智慧水务及排水管网诊断技术成果应用于天津市、深圳市、拉萨市、玉溪市、岳阳市、九江市、临沂市、镇江市、资阳市等多地的排水管网检测、诊断与智慧水务实际工程项目,取得了公认的良好效果,该公司获得了国家高新技术企业认证

2. 企业委托课题:“海水淡化水热同产同送”工况下球墨铸铁管腐蚀行为及水质稳定性研究,2022/04-2023/06

3. 国家重点研发计划课题:城市内涝防治综合管控平台研发与示范,2021/11-2024/10

4. 住房和城乡建设部研究开发项目:城市排水管网检测诊断、效能评估及提质增效技术集成,2019/06-2020/07

5. 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室开放基金:基于原位力过程表征的胶体微塑料在饱和多孔介质中的迁移机理研究,2020/01-2021/12

6. 国家扶贫项目:宕昌县典型村镇生活饮用水水质保障工艺技术研究,2021-2022

7. 地方委托课题:广西南宁市水塘江水环境综合治理水环境模拟与优化研究,2020/06-2022/12

8. 国家重点研发计划课题:经济作物棉花水足迹量化方法与技术标准研究,2018/07-2021/07

9. 地方委托课题:安徽阜阳水环境综合整治水环境模拟及优化研究,2018/06-2020/06

10. 云南省玉溪市委托项目:玉溪市海绵城市建设水系统规划,2016/12-2017/06

11. 河北省迁安市委托项目:迁安市三里河流域海绵城市建设规划,2016/09-2017/03

12. 环保部城环总规试点:北京市丰台区城市环境总体规划(二期),2016/10-2017/05

13. 深圳市委托项目:深圳市茅州河流域综合治理规划,2016/05-2017/03

14. 环保部规划院项目:水污染防治行动计划对温室气体排放的影响研究,2016/06-2016/12

15. 国家水专项子课题:海河干流中游段污染控制与水质改善技术集成及综合示范,重污染支流复合污染分析与协同减排体系构建,2014/01-2016/12

16. 世界银行资助项目:天津市中新生态城水系统规划,2015/04-2016/06

17. 环保部城环总规试点:北京市丰台区城市环境总体规划,2014/12-2016/06

18. 环保部多规合一试点:广西壮族自治区贺州市城市环境总体规划,2015/04-2016/12 



1. 教育部给排水科学与工程专业教学指导分委员会应用型教材《城镇节水》,2022年

2.《国家气候变化第三次评估科普报告》, 2014年





1. Peng Zhao, Yuwei Zhao, Yiping Guo, Rong Guo, Yimei Tian, Weigao Zhao*. Preparation of CuO/γAl2O3 catalyst for degradation of azo dyes (Reactive brilliant red X-3B): An optimization study [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 328: 129624.

2. Weigao Zhao, Yajun Zhao, Hongwei Zhang, Chenjie Hao, Peng Zhao*. Efficient Removal of Cationic and Anionic Dyes by Surfactant Loaded Fe3O4 Nanoparticles [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2021, 127680.

3. Peng Zhao, Tong Geng, Yuwei Zhao, Yimei Tian, Hongwei Zhang, Weigao Zhao*. Removal of Cu(Ⅱ) ions from aqueous solution with magnetic multi-wall carbon nanotube adsorbent [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances. 2021, 8: 100184.

4. Peng Zhao, Yuwei Zhao, Limin Cui, Yimei Tian, Zhe Zhang, Qiqi Zhu, Weigao Zhao*. Multiple antibiotics distribution in drinking water and their co-adsorption behaviors by different size fractions of natural particles [J]. Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 775,145846

5. Peng Zhao, Limin Cui, Weigao Zhao*, Yimei Tian, Mei Li, Yanyan Wang, Zixi Chen. Cotransport and deposition of microplastic particles and tetracycline in porous media: The impact of ionic strength and cationic types[J]. Science of the Total Environment. 2020,753:1-10.

6. Quanbin Shi, Hongwei Zhang, Hongping Zhang, Peng Zhao, Yuan Zhang and Youhong Tang. Polydopamine/silver hybrid coatings on soda-lime glass spheres with controllable release ability for inhibiting biofilm formation[J]. SCIENCE CHINA Materials. 2020,63(5): 842-850

7. Weigao Zhao, Yimei Tian, Xianxian Chu, Limin Cui, Hongwei Zhang, Mei Li, Peng Zhao*. Preparation and characteristics of a magnetic carbon nanotube adsorbent: its efficient adsorption and recoverable performances[J]. Separation and Purification Technology. 2020, 257:1-9.

8. Weigao Zhao#, Peng Zhao#, Yimei Tian, Chongyang Shen, Zhipeng Li, Peng Peng, Chao Jin*. Investigation for Synergies of Ionic Strength and Flow Velocity on Colloidal-Sized Microplastic Transport and Deposition in Porous Media Using the Colloidal-AFM Probe[J]. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 2020,36(22):6292-6303.

9. Weigao Zhao*, Peng Zhao*, Yimei Tian, Chongyang Shen, Zhipeng Li, Chao, Jin. Transport and retention of Microcystis aeruginosa in porous media: Impacts of ionic strength, flow rate, media size and pre-oxidization[J]. Water Research. 2019,162:277-287.

10. Huiyan Tong*, Xingshuai Hu, Peng Zhao*, Hongwei Zhang, Yimei Tian. Iron Corrosion in Occluded Water in Drinking Water Distribution Systems[J].  Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2019,14: 10213-10226

11. Jinjing Gao, Chenlong Li, Peng Zhao*, Hongwei Zhang, Guozhu Mao, Yuan Wang. Insights into water-energy cobenefits and trade-offs in water resource management[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019,213: 1188-1203.

12. Jinjing Gao, Peng Zhao*, Hongwei Zhang, Guozhu Mao, Yuan Wang. OperationalWaterWithdrawal and Consumption Factors for Electricity Generation Technology in China—A Literature Review[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10, 1181

13. Chao Jin, Weigao Zhao, Stefana D. Nornani, Peng Zhao, Monica B. Emelko. Synergies of media surface roughness and ionic strength on particle deposition during filtration. Water Research.  2017, 114, 286-295

14. Li Tianxin, Han Yangwen, Li Yaya, Lu Zhongming, Zhao Peng. Urgency, development stage and coordination degree analysis to support differentiation management of water pollution emission control and economic development in the eastern coastal area of China. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS. 2016, 71:406-415

15. JC Zhang, R Zhong, P Zhao*, HW Zhang, Y Wang, GZ Mao. International energy trade impacts on water resource crises: an embodied water flows perspective. Environmental Research Letter. 2016, 11(7), 074023

16. Yuan Wang, Shengnan Geng, Peng Zhao*, Huibin Du , Yu He, John Crittenden. Cost-benefit analysis of GHG emission reduction in waste to energy projects of China under Clean Development Mechanism. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 2016,109,90-95

17. Haiya Zhang, Yimei Tian, Jianmei Wan, Peng Zhao∗. Study of biofilm influenced corrosion on cast iron pipes in reclaimed water. Applied Surface Science. 2015, 357 , 236–247

18. Huiyan Tong, Peng Zhao*, Hongwei Zhang, Yimei Tian, Xi Chen, Weigao Zhao, Mei Li*. Identification and characterization of steady and occluded water in drinking water distribution systems. Chemosphere. 2015, 119, 1141-1147