
Teachers' team



















1979.9-1984.6 清华大学空气调节专业本科生

1984.9-1987.7 清华大学空气调节专业硕士研究生

1987.8至今 天津大学建筑环境与能源应用工程系任教,期间赴香港理工大学屋宇设备工程系就读获博士学位


  • 教育部土木类专业教学指导委员会委员、建筑环境与能源应用工程专业教学指导分委会副主任

  • 住建部高等教育建筑环境与能源应用工程专业评估委员会委员

  • 天津大学教学指导委员会委员

  • 天津市制冷学会副理事长

  • 天津市制冷学会空调热泵专业委员会主任

  • 天津市建筑学会暖通空调专业委员会主任

  • 中国制冷学会空调热泵专业委员会委员


主讲本科生必修课《热质交换原理与设备》(48学时)、《空调制冷技术》(48 学时),主讲研究生学位课《数值传热传质学》32学时。





[1]Zhenjing Wu,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Wandong Zheng. Experimental investigation on heat transfer characteristics of staggered tube bundle heat exchanger immersed in oscillating flow[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2020,148.

[2]Ruiqiao Yang,Huan Zhang,Shijun You,Wandong Zheng,Xuejing Zheng,Tianzhen Ye. Study on the thermal comfort index of solar radiation conditions in winter[J]. Building and Environment,2020,167.



[1]Yanzhe Yu,Jie Cheng,Shijun You,Tianzhen Ye,Huan Zhang,Man Fan,Shen Wei,Shan Liu. Effect of implementing building energy efficiency labeling in China: A case study in Shanghai[J]. Energy Policy,2019,133.

[2]Huan Zhang,Lingfei Jiang,Wandong Zheng,Shijun You,Tingting Jiang,Suola Shao,Xingming Zhu. Experimental study on a novel thermal storage refrigerant-heated radiator coupled with air source heat pump heating system[J]. Building and Environment,2019,164.

[3]Yin Zhang,Huan Zhang,Wandong Zheng,Shijun You,Yaran Wang. Optimal operating conditions of a hybrid humidification-dehumidification and heat pump desalination system with multi-objective particle swarm algorithm[J]. Desalination,2019,468.

[4]Minzhang Liu,Lingfei Jiang,Huan Zhang,Xuejing Zheng,Shijun You,Shen Wei. An exploration on the applicability of heating tower heat pump and air source heat pump systems in different climatic regions[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2019,238.

[5]Zhangxiang Wu,Yaran Wang,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Xuejing Zheng,Jin Guo,Shen Wei. Thermo-economic analysis of composite district heating substation with absorption heat pump[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering,2019.

[6]Zixu Song,Na Wang,Shijun You,Yaran Wang,Huan Zhang,Shen Wei,Xuejing Zheng,Jin Guo. Integration of geothermal water into secondary network by absorption-heat-pump-assisted district heating substations[J]. Energy & Buildings,2019,202.

[7]Xuejing Zheng,Rui Shi,Yaran Wang,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Junbao Xia,Shen Wei. Mathematical modeling and performance analysis of an integrated solar heating and cooling system driven by parabolic trough collector and double-effect absorption chiller[J]. Energy & Buildings,2019,202.

[8]Suola Shao,Huan Zhang,Shijun You,Wandong Zheng,Lingfei Jiang. Thermal performance analysis of a new refrigerant-heated radiator coupled with air-source heat pump heating system[J]. Applied Energy,2019,247.







[1]Yin Zhang,Chunguang Zhu,Huan Zhang,Wandong Zheng,Shijun You,Yuhan Zhen. Experimental study of a humidification-dehumidification desalination system with heat pump unit[J]. Desalination,2018,442.

[2]Hongbo Liang,Man Fan,Shijun You,Junbao Xia,Huan Zhang,Yaran Wang. An analysis of the heat loss and overheating protection of a cavity receiver with a novel movable cover for parabolic trough solar collectors[J]. Energy,2018,158.

[3]Huan Zhang,Ruiqiao Yang,Shijun You,Wandong Zheng,Xuejing Zheng,Tianzhen Ye. The CPMV index for evaluating indoor thermal comfort in buildings with solar radiation[J]. Building and Environment,2018,134.

[4]Man Fan,Hongbo Liang,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Wandong Zheng,Junbao Xia. Heat transfer analysis of a new volumetric based receiver for parabolic trough solar collector[J]. Energy,2018,142.

[5]Na Wang,Shijun You,Yaran Wang,Huan Zhang,Qingwei Miao,Xuejing Zheng,Leiyang Mi. Hydraulic resistance identification and optimal pressure control of district heating network[J]. Energy & Buildings,2018,170.

[6]Minzhang Liu,Chunguang Zhu,Tong Cui,Huan Zhang,Wandong Zheng,Shijun You. An alternative algorithm of tunnel piston effect by replacing three-dimensional model with two-dimensional model[J]. Building and Environment,2018,128.

[7]Yaran Wang,Shijun You,Wandong Zheng,Huan Zhang,Xuejing Zheng,Qingwei Miao. State space model and robust control of plate heat exchanger for dynamic performance improvement[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering,2018,128.

[8]Man Fan,Hongbo Liang,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Baoquan Yin,Xiaoting Wu. Applicability analysis of the solar heating system with parabolic trough solar collectors in different regions of China[J]. Applied Energy,2018,221.

[9]Hongbo Liang,Chunguang Zhu,Man Fan,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Junbao Xia. Study on the thermal performance of a novel cavity receiver for parabolic trough solar collectors[J]. Applied Energy,2018,222.

[10]Han Li,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Wandong Zheng,Lanjun Zou. Investigating the environmental quality deterioration and human health hazard caused by heating emissions[J]. Science of the Total Environment,2018,628-629.

[11]Huan Zhang,Xintong Ma,Shijun You,Yaran Wang,Xuejing Zheng,Tianzhen Ye,Wandong Zheng,Shen Wei. Mathematical modeling and performance analysis of a solar air collector with slit-perforated corrugated plate[J]. Solar Energy,2018,167.

[12]Han Li,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Wandong Zheng,Wai-ling Lee,Tianzhen Ye,Lanjun Zou. Analyzing the impact of heating emissions on air quality index based on principal component regression[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2018,171.

[13]Hongbo Liang,Man Fan,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Wandong Zheng. Model development and performance analysis of the nanofluid-based direct absorption parabolic trough collectors[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2018,202.

[14]Huan Zhang,Dazhen Yin,Shijun You,Wandong Zheng,Bojia Li,Xinyu Zhang. Numerical and Experimental Investigation on the Heat and Mass Transfer of Falling Film and Droplet Regimes in Horizontal Tubes LiBr-H 2 O Absorber[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering,2018.

[15]Man Fan,Shijun You,Junbao Xia,Wandong Zheng,Huan Zhang,Hongbo Liang,Xianli Li,Bojia Li. An optimized Monte Carlo ray tracing optical simulation model and its applications to line-focus concentrating solar collectors[J]. Applied Energy,2018,225.








[1] Yaran Wang,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Xuejing Zheng,Shen Wei,Qingwei Miao,Wandong Zheng. Operation stability analysis of district heating substation from the control perspective[J]. Energy & Buildings,2017.

[2] Yaran Wang,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Xuejing Zheng,Wandong Zheng,Qingwei Miao,Gang Lu. Thermal transient prediction of district heating pipeline: optimal selection of the time and spatial steps for fast and accurate calculation[J]. Applied Energy,2017.

[3] Chenxiao Zheng,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Wandong Zheng,Xuejing Zheng,Tianzheng Ye,Zeqin Liu. Comparison of air-conditioning systems with bottom-supply and side-supply modes in a typical office room[J]. Applied Energy,2017.

[4] Wandong Zheng,Huan Zhang,Shijun You,Yindan Fu,Xuejing Zheng. Thermal performance analysis of a metal corrugated packing solar air collector in cold regions[J]. Applied Energy,2017,203.

[5]Hongbo Liang,Man Fan,Shijun You,Wandong Zheng,Huan Zhang,Tianzhen Ye,Xuejing Zheng. A Monte Carlo method and finite volume method coupled optical simulation method for parabolic trough solar collectors[J]. Applied Energy,2017,201.

[6]Han Li,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Wandong Zheng,Xuejing Zheng,Jie Jia,Tianzhen Ye,Lanjun Zou. Modelling of AQI related to building space heating energy demand based on big data analytics[J]. Applied Energy,2017,203.

[7]Yaran Wang,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Wandong Zheng,Xuejing Zheng,Qingwei Miao. Hydraulic performance optimization of meshed district heating network with multiple heat sources[J]. Energy,2017,126.

[8]Man Fan,Hongbo Liang,Shijun You,Huan Zhang,Baoquan Yin,Xiaoting Wu. Performance analysis of a solar heating system with the absorption heat pump and oil/water heat exchanger[J]. Energy Procedia,2017,142.

[9]Huan Zhang,Chunguang Zhu,Minzhang Liu,Wandong Zheng,Shijun You,Bojia Li,Peng Xue. Mathematical modeling and sensitive analysis of the train-induced unsteady airflow in subway tunnel[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics,2017,171.

[10]Huan Zhang,Tong Cui,Minzhang Liu,Wandong Zheng,Chunguang Zhu,Shijun You,Yazhuo Zhang. Energy performance investigation of an innovative environmental control system in subway station[J]. Building and Environment,2017,126.

[11]Yaran Wang,Shijun You,Xuejing Zheng,Huan Zhang. Accurate model reduction and control of radiator for performance enhancement of room heating system[J]. Energy & Buildings,2017,138.

[12]Wandong Zheng,Huan Zhang,Shijun You,Tianzhen Ye. Heat transfer performance of a seawater-source heat pump with radiant floor heating system in cold areas of China[J]. Science and Technology for the Built Environment,2017,23(3).




[1]Wandong Zheng,Huan Zhang,Shijun You,Tianzhen Ye. The Thermal Characteristics of a Helical Coil Heat Exchanger for Seawater-source Heat Pump in Cold Winter[J]. Procedia Engineering,2016,146.

[2]Wandong Zheng,Bojia Li,Huan Zhang,Shijun You,Ying Li,Tianzhen Ye. Thermal characteristics of a glazed transpired solar collector with perforating corrugated plate in cold regions[J]. Energy,2016,109.

[3]Wandong Zheng,Lin Yang,Huan Zhang,Shijun You,Chunguang Zhu. Numerical and experimental investigation on a new type of compound parabolic concentrator solar collector[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,2016,129.

[4]Huan Zhang,Chunguang Zhu,Wandong Zheng,Shijun You,Tianzhen Ye,Peng Xue. Experimental and numerical investigation of braking energy on thermal environment of underground subway station in China's northern severe cold regions[J]. Energy,2016,116.

[5]Wandong Zheng,Jing Yang,Huan Zhang,Shijun You. Simulation and optimization of steam operated double effect water-LiBr absorption heat pump[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering,2016,109.

[6]Wandong Zheng,Tianzhen Ye,Shijun You,Huan Zhang. The thermal performance of seawater-source heat pump systems in areas of severe cold during winter[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,2015,90.

[7]Wandong Zheng,Huan Zhang,Shijun You,Tianzhen Ye. Numerical and experimental investigation of a helical coil heat exchanger for seawater-source heat pump in cold region[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2016,96.

[8]Hongbo Liang,Chenxiao Zheng,Wandong Zheng,Shijun You,Huan Zhang. Analysis of Annual Performance of a Parabolic Trough Solar Collector[J]. Energy Procedia,2017,105.

[9]Wandong Zheng,Bojia Li,Huan Zhang,Shijun You,Ying Li,Tianzhen Ye. Thermal characteristics of a glazed transpired solar collector with perforating corrugated plate in cold regions[J]. Energy,2016,109.

[10]Chunyu Zhao,Shijun You,Chunying Zhu,Wei Yu. Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of heat storage walls coupled with active solar systems[J]. Heat and Mass Transfer,2016,52(12).

[11]Wandong Zheng,Huan Zhang,Shijun You,Tianzhen Ye. Numerical and experimental investigation of a helical coil heat exchanger for seawater-source heat pump in cold region[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2016,96.

[12]Hongbo Liang,Shijun You,Huan Zhang. Comparison of three optical models and analysis of geometric parameters for parabolic trough solar collectors[J]. Energy,2016,96.



