
Teachers' team





























[1] 2018,国际室内空气质量与气候学会(ISIAQ),科学院会士(Fellow of Academy)

[2] 2023,获第四届“许仲麟净化科技奖”

[3] 2020,获《暖通空调》2019年度优秀论文奖

[4] 2019,获第十一届“发明创业奖·人物奖”

[5] 2019,入选天津市第三批人才发展特殊支持计划“高层次创新创业团队”(团   队负责人)

[6] 2018,入选天津市创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队,(团队负责人)

[7] 2018,指导学生荣获大学生“小平科技创新团队”荣誉称号

[8] 2013,“华章科技杯”优秀论文优秀奖



[1] 天津市第十五届政协常委

[2] 天津市南开区第十六届政协常委

[3] 民革南开区委会副主委

[4] 民革南开区委监督委员会主任

[5] 2022.03-至今 全国洁净室及相关受控环境标准化技术委员会(SAT/TC319),委员兼副秘书长

[6] 2022.03-至今 中国工程建设标准化协会“洁净受控环境与实验室"专业委员会,副主任委员

[7] 2018.11-至今 “暖通空调”杂志,编审委员会委员

[8] 2012.12-2019.12 国际期刊 Energy and Buildings (ENB),Editor(副主 编)(SCI,中科院JCR 2区,影响因子7.201)



[1] 《暖通空调A》,对象;本科生,每学年32课时,专业核心课程、研究生入学考试必修课程

[2] 《洁净技术》,对象;本科生,每学年16课时,专业选修课

[3] 《建筑技术经济学》,对象;本科生,每学年16课时,专业选修课

[4] 《暖通空调系统分析与评价》,对象;研究生,每学年32课时,专业选修课



[1] 2024.06.24-2025.06.24,[中国商用飞机有限责任公司上海飞机设计研究院]横向项目:多节点环控非标管系流阻计算与流量分配算法开发,50万元,主持

[2] 2024.02.26-2025.02.26,[LG ELECTRONICS INC.]国际合作项目:Field test for evaluation of LG air purifier and filter performance over time in 10 Chinese home kitchens(中文项目名称:中国家庭厨房环境下LG空气净化器及过滤器长期性能评估研究)5万美元,主持

[3] 2023.12.01-2027.06.30,国家十四五重点研发计划:项目“典型场景室内空气与餐饮油烟污染控制职称技术及应用示范”子课题:关键净化装置和管网系统工程化研究,30万元;主持

[4] 2023.11.01-2026.10.31,国家十四五重点研发计划:项目“重要生物安全屏障病原微生物风险评估与防护关键技术研究及应用示范”课题:生物安全屏障室内环境营造能力提升与低碳运行关键技术,266.97万元;参加

[5] 2023.11.01-2027.04.30,国家十四五重点研发计划:项目“居住建筑气溶胶传播风险评价及关键技术标准研究”课题:居住建筑及社区内病原微生物气溶胶传播机理及指标体系研究,163.10万元;参加

[6] 2022.10.01-2026.03.31,国家十四五重点研发计划:项目“室内空气污染物多参数动态识别、高校低碳净化与病原体消杀技术”子课题:室内空气污染物有机毒性和氧化活性定量评价及通风净化技术,165万元;参加

[7] 2021.10.01-2024.09.30,天津市重点项目: 基于认知功能脑网络量化模型的室内甲苯暴露空气质量评价,20万元;主持

[8] 2020.05.01-2024.04.30,**科研项目:后处理**开发研究,494万元;主持

[9] 2020.01.01-2023.12.31,国家自然基金面上项目:封闭空间环境非稳态气流组织湍流热运动机理研究,60万元;主持

[10] 2018.07.01-2021.06.31,国家十三五重点研发计划(绿建专项)项目“洁净空调厂房的节能设计与关键技术设备研究”子课题:电子洁净厂房污染物特性及冷源系统优化控制研究,56万元; 主持

[11] 2018.10.01-2021.09.30,天津市安全天津与城市可持续发展、生态环境治理科技重大专项:建筑能耗管控平台技术应用与示范,50万元;主持

[12] 2016.07.01-2019.06.30,国家十三五重点研发计划(绿建专项)项目“居住建筑室内通风策略与室内空气质量营造”课题:住宅开窗、通风空气净化模式调研和室内空气质量测试,248万元;主持

[13] 2014.01.01-2019.03.31,国家载人航天项目专项:空间站**仿真及试验验证,300万元;主持



[1] 2022,获中国轻工业联合会科学技术进步一等奖,项目名称“面向低碳环保 的新一代厨电关键技术研发及产业化”(获奖者:李斌、刘俊杰、王军、吴爱 华、诸永定、郑军妹、董一龙、胡承杰、俞瑜)

[2] 2022,获天津市技术进步一等奖,项目名称“用于重大传染病现场应急的系 列移动生物安全平台创制及应用” (获奖者:祁建成、张宗兴、衣颖、吴金 辉、吕京、冯涛、刘俊杰、王荣、董志武、张恩雷、常宗湧、王伟利)

[3] 2021,获天津市技术进步二等奖,项目名称“室内气态分子污染控制技术及 应用”(获奖者:裴晶晶、刘俊杰、刘庆岭、陈玲、阎冬、王志强、张群、  徐敬)

[4] 2020,获中国专利奖优秀奖,专利名称“一种半透明大型客机座舱环境仿真 实验平台”(专利号:ZL 201310293870.8)(发明人:刘俊杰、曹晓东、 陈元益、裴晶晶

[5] 2018,获天津市专利奖金奖,专利名称“一种半透明大型客机座舱环境仿真 实验平台”(专利号:ZL 201310293870.8)(发明人:刘俊杰、曹晓东、 陈元益、裴晶晶)

[6] 2017,获天津市技术发明二等奖,项目名称“移动封闭座舱空气环境控制技 术”(获奖者:刘俊杰、裴晶晶、孙贺江、龙正伟、姜楠、尤学一、王志强、 沈雄)

[7] 2014,获天津市科学技术进步三等奖,项目名称“住宅建筑室内外环境品质 仿真和优化技术”(获奖者:刘俊杰、姜漪、周超斌、白宁、刘玉龙)



[1] 刘素梅、刘俊杰、陈清焰、姜楠、李先庭 著,2022.研究生创新人才培养系列教材《建筑环境计算流体力学》,中国建筑工业出版社

[2] 刘俊杰、戴希磊、刘进宇、赵磊 著,2021.《中国建筑节能年度发展研究报告2021(城镇住宅专题)》第6章“城镇住宅通风”,中国建筑工业出版社

[3] 裴晶晶、薛人玮、刘俊杰 著,2020. 研究生创新人才培养系列教材《气态分子污染物及控制技术》,天津大学出版社




[1] 刘俊杰、张志伟、陈文华一种圆筒形微静电过滤器,美国专利,US10843206,授权时间2020.11.24


[1] 刘俊杰、陈传铭、陈冰倩.一种吸收式热泵处理设备(专利号:ZL201810904413.0)

[2] 刘俊杰、齐悦.基于实地监测的开窗仿真算法(专利号:ZL201910930650.9)

[3] 刘俊杰、王攀、陈文华、张丁超.油烟发生装置(专利号:ZL208100886987.5)

[4] 刘俊杰、张志伟、戴希磊.一种不规则通风设备的风量测试装置(专利号:ZL201610851277.4)

[5] 刘俊杰、刘智琳.一种基于PIV技术的油烟机逃逸量的测量装置及方法(专利号:ZL202011292405.9)

[6] 刘俊杰、贾利芝、盛元凯、孙贺江.一种建造环境热控实验人体湿热模拟系统(专利号:ZL201710906767.4)

[7] 刘俊杰、贾利芝.基于EMD和ANN的建筑能源系统模拟预测方法及应用(专利号:ZL201910787191.3)

[8] 刘俊杰、龚原.一种窗式新风空调(专利号:ZL201610861822.8)

[9] 刘俊杰、盛元凯、孙贺江、贾利芝.模拟人及人群的散热散湿装置及方法(专利号:ZL201710936435.0)

[10] 刘俊杰、陈冰倩、陈传铭、贾利芝.一种利用间接蒸发式冷却供冷的烟气除湿和水回收方法(专利号:ZL201810936710.3)

[11] 刘俊杰、陈瑞清、裴晶晶.一种用于建筑室内颗粒物及气体复合净化材料的制备方法和性能评价(专利号:ZL201710348997.3)(实现企业转让专利)

[12] 刘俊杰、龚原、李向东.一种低成本多空气质量监测传感器标定系统(专利号:ZL201610870764.5)(实现企业转让专利)

[13] 刘俊杰、尹晓彤.一种安装于玻璃窗或玻璃墙的圆形新风净化器(专利号:ZL201610846062.3)(实现企业转让专利)

[14] 刘俊杰、陈文华、张志伟.一种旋转油烟净化装置(专利号:ZL20161085278.6)(实现企业转让专利)

[15] 刘俊杰、张志伟、陈文华.一种平板形微静电过滤器(专利号:ZL201610780961.8)(实现企业转让专利)

[16] 刘俊杰、张志伟、陈文华.一种圆筒形微静电过滤器(专利号:ZL201610668092.X)(实现企业转让专利)

[17] 刘俊杰、张志伟、陈文华.一种具有热回收和个性化送风功能的油烟机(专利号:ZL201610668094.9)

[18] 刘俊杰、陈文华、张志伟.一种组合吹吸式抽油烟机(专利号:ZL201610705210.X)

[19] 刘俊杰、李佳钰、崔国丰.一种基于文丘里原理的气溶胶发生器(专利号:ZL201610825087.5)(实现企业转让专利)

[20] 刘俊杰、曹璇、胡京.一种厨房空调(专利号:ZL201410056353.3)

[21] 刘俊杰、刘炜、沈忱、王聪聪.一种发热假人模型集群系统(专利号:ZL201310294658.3)

[22] 刘俊杰、曹晓东、陈元益、裴晶晶.一种半透明大型客机座舱环境仿真实验平台(专利号:ZL201310293870.8)(获奖专利)

[23] 刘俊杰、代申、朱学良、李佳钰、孙贺江.精确控制送风方向的送风口及其实现不同气流组织的方法(专利号:ZL201510705073.5)

[24] 刘俊杰、张永志.适用于民用客机座舱的具有下送上回气流通道的空调系统(专利号:ZL201510732779.0)

[25] 刘俊杰、曹璇.内置分流结构的逆流板式露点间接蒸发冷却器及通道隔板(专利号:ZL201510037203.2)

[26] 刘俊杰、曹璇.外置分流结构的逆流板式露点间接蒸发冷却器及通道隔板(专利号:ZL201510037204.7)

[27] 刘俊杰、李佳钰、侯跃飞、王志强.一种吊顶下回风式风机过滤单元(专利号:ZL201510032392.4)

[28] 刘俊杰、龚原、乔治,等.一种能控制室内空气品质的空调机组/器控制器及系统(专利号:ZL201410044089.1)(实现企业转让专利)

[29] 刘俊杰、尹晓彤.一种空调和净化组合功能的空调器(专利号:ZL201410277218.1)(实现企业转让专利)

[30] 裴晶晶、陆义、刘俊杰.一种用于空气净化器性能检测的气态污染物发生装置及方法(专利号:ZL201310386518.9)(实现企业转让专利)

[31] 裴晶晶、陆义、刘俊杰.一种用于空气过滤器测试系统的气态有机污染物发生器(专利号:ZL201410375155.3)(实现企业转让专利)





[1] Zukun Wang, Xinyue Dong , Mingtong He, Junjie Liu*, Evaluation of indoor particulate matter control based on health risks and oxidative potential in a metro station, Atmospheric Environment(二区),317,2024, 129023

[2] Wenzhe Shang, Junjie Liu, Congcong Wang, Jiayu Li, Xilei Dai, Developing smart air purifier control strategies for better IAQ and energy efficiency using reinforcement learning, Building and Environment(一区),242, 2023, 110556

[3] Jiaxin Zhang, Shihao Wen, Sumei Liu, Junjie Liu, Numerical study on melting process and heat transfer analysis of a multitube combination latent heat storage unit with innovative harpoon-type fins, Applied Thermal Engineering, (二区),233, 2023, 121168

[4] Zhiwei Li, Junjie Liu, Jian Zhang, Yanmin Wang, Lizhi Jia, A hybrid control method for district heating substations based on time-based room temperature demand, Energy and Buildings, (二区),297, 2023, 113467

[5] Jinyu Liu , Lei Zhao, Qianwen Wang, Nan Jiang , Junjie Liu *,PIV experimental analysis of the escape phenomenon of air spraying jet in factories,Journal of Building Engineering,(二区),82,2024,108384

[6] Yichen Lin , Chenhua Wang , Shihao Wen , Mingtong He , Junjie Liu *, CFD structural design of an intake air louver for low pressure drop and high, Separation and Purification Technology,(一区),335,2024,126142

[7] Yanmin WangZhiwei LiJunjie Liu*XuanLuLaifu ZhaoYan ZhaoYongtao Feng, Analyzing daily change patterns of indoor temperature in district heating systems: A clustering and regression approach,(一区)358,2024,122645

[8] Jiaxin Zhang, Yanan Zhao, Shihao Wen, Daixin Tu, Junjie Liu, Sumei Liu, Assessment of COVID-19 infection Risk, thermal Comfort, and energy efficiency in negative pressure isolation wards with varied ventilation modes, Energy and Buildings, (二区),308,2024,114002

[9] Bingqian Chen, Sumei Liu, Junjie Liu, Nan Jiang, Qingyan Chen, An energy-efficient exhaust hood for industrial buildings with strong thermal buoyancy, Energy and Buildings, (二区),308,2024,114036

[10] Yingying Fan, Junjie Liu, Lei Zhao, Chenhua Wang, Deokkyu Moon, Sungwoo Song, Study on the test accuracy of the high-air-volume purifier under different test chamber volumes, Journal of Cleaner Production,(二区),448,2024,141684

[11] Miao Zhang, Junjie Liu, Xinyu Liu, Xin Zhang, Evaluation and prediction of fibrous filters' operating performance in residential fresh air system, Building and Environment,(一区),255,2024,111441

[12] Chenhua, Wang, Kaiyuan Liu, Junjie Liu*, Toluene adsorption performance study of cathode air filter for high-power hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, Chemical Engineer Journal(一区), 461, 2023, 141782

[13] Yanmin Wang, Zhiwei Li, Junjie Liu*, Yan Zhao, Shengbin Sun, A novel combined model for heat load prediction in district heating systems, Applied Thermal Engineering(二区), 227, 2023, 120372

[14] Zhiwei Li, Junjie Liu, Lizhi Jia, Yanmin Wang, Improving room temperature stability and operation efficiency using a model predictive control method for a district heating station. Energy and Buildings(二区), 287,2023, 112990

[15] Xin Zhang, Junjie Liu*, Chaojun Liu, A novel slip-velocity model to simulate the filtration performance of nanofiber mediaProcess Safety and Environmental Protection(二区), 1742023, 548-560

[16] Xin Zhang, Junjie Liu*, Haokun Wu, Adjustable fiber structure design for precise aerosol filtration, Powder Technology (二区),428,2023, 118881

[17] Yanmin Wang, Zhiwei Li, Junjie Liu*, Mingzhe Pei, Yan Zhao, Xuan Lu, Data-driven analysis and prediction of indoor characteristic temperature in district heating systems, Energy(一区),282,2023, 129023

[18] Qianwen Wang, Jinyu Liu, Junjie Liu*, Jiayu Li, Experimental research on the impact of annular airflow on the spraying flow field: A source control technology of paint mist, Building and Environment(一区), 207, 2022, 108444

[19] Xin Zhang, Junjie Liu*, Simplified model for the calculation of the particle capture process in air filter media, Chemical Engineering Science(二区), 249, 2022, 117358

[20] Lei Zhao, Junjie Liu*, Physical environmental and behavioral drivers of heat recovery ventilation system feasibility in various climate zones, Energy Conversion and Management(一区), 259, 2022, 115586

[21] Lei Zhao, Junjie Liu*, Fast real-time measurement method of a wet scrubber on particle purification efficiency with image information entropy analysis, Building and Environment(一区), 218, 2022, 109133

[22] Shihao Wen, Junjie Liu*, Fan Zhang, Jing Xu, Numerical and experimental study towards a novel torque damper with minimized air flow instability, Building and Environment(一区), 217, 2022, 109114

[23] Xin Zhang, Junjie Liu*, Operating resistance prediction of non-flat HEPA filters, Powder Technology(二区), 408, 2022, 117718

[24] Zukun Wang, Junjie Liu, Jiajing Wang, Dandan Guo, Jingjing Pei, Lei Zhao, Xin Zhang, Jie Liu, Yuying Li, Meili Deng, Mingrui Cui, Yuan Yang, Lulin Zhang, Xiao Qin, Changqing Zhan, Yijun Song, Effect of low concentrations of indoor toluene on cognitive performance: EEG-based evidence, Building and Environment(一区), 224, 2022, 109494

[25] Xin Zhang, Junjie Liu*, Xuan Liu, Chaojun Liu, Qingyan Chen, HEPA filters for airliner cabins : State of the art and future development, Indoor Air(二区), 32, 2022, e13103

[26] Fan Zhang, Angus Shiue, Yingying Fan, Junjie Liu*, Han Meng, Jinxian Zhang, Graham Leggett, Dynamic emission rates of human activity in biological cleanrooms, Building and Environment(一区), 226, 2022, 109777

[27] Ruiqing Chen, Junjie Liu*, Competitive coadsorption of ammonia with water and sulfur dioxide on metal-organic frameworks at low pressure, Building and Environment(一区), 207, 2022, 108421

[28] Ruiqing Chen, Angus Shiue, Junjie Liu*, Yuan Zhi, Dingchao Zhang, Fiona Xia, Graham Leggett, Integrated on-site collection and off-site analysis of airborne molecular contamination in cleanrooms for integrated circuit manufacturing processes, Building and Environment(一区), 214, 2022, 108941

[29] Chenhua Wang, Junjie Liu, Chuck Wah Yu, Dong Xie, Numerical analysis for the optimization of multi-parameters stratum ventilation and the effect on radon dispersion, Journal of Building Engineering(二区), 62, 2022, 105375

[30] Pan Wang, Junjie Liu, Chenhua Wang, Zhiwei Zhang, Jiayu Liu, A holistic performance assessment of duct-type electrostatic precipitators, Journal of cleaner production(一区), 357, 2022, 131997

[31] Pan Wang, Shiyu Liu, Junjie Liu, Jiahua Wang, Jiayu Li, Size-resolved splashed cooking oil droplets from 1 to 1000 μm on surfaces: The impact of residential range hoods, Building and Environment(一区), 210,2022, 108705

[32] Ruiqing Chen, Junjie Liu, Xilei Dai, Adsorption equilibrium of ammonia and water on porous adsorbents at low pressure: Machine learning-based models, Journal of cleaner production(一区), 378, 2022, 134351

[33] Lizhi Jia, Junjie Liu, Adrian Chong, Xilei Dai, Deep learning and physics-based modeling for the optimization of ice-based thermal energy systems in cooling plants, Applied energy(一区), 322, 2022, 119443

[34] Lei Zhao , Junjie Liu , Yihui Yin, Jingjing Pei, Wu Xiao , Haiqiao Zhang , Shen WeiField investigation of pollutant characteristics and targeted ventilation control strategies in high-ceiling aircraft spraying workshopProcess Safety and Environmental Protection(二区),159, 2022, 627-639

[35] Min Xue , Junjie Liu , Lei Zhao , Jingjing Pei, Identification of odour compounds emitted by wooden boards with the presence of indoor ozone, Building and Environment(一区),221, 2022, 109341

[36] Xin Zhang, Junjie Liu*, Xuan Liu, Chaojun Liu, Performance optimization of airliner cabin air filters, Building and Environment(一区), 187, 2021, 107392

[37] Yuan Zhi, Junjie Liu*, Kaiyuan Liu, Long-term performance analysis of chemical filters in cleanrooms based on a prediction model, Indoor Air(二区), 31, 2021, 783-794,

[38] Xilei Dai, Junjie Liu*, Yongle Li*, A recurrent neural network using historical data to predict time series indoor PM2.5 concentrations for residential buildings, Indoor Air(二区), 31, 2021, 1228-1237

[39] Mingxin Liu, Di Chang, Junjie Liu*, Shengcheng Ji, Chao-Hsin Lin, Daniel Wei, Zhengwei Long, Tengfei Zhang, Xiong Shen, Qing Cao, Xingyang Li, Xiaojing Zeng, Hanyu Li, Experimental investigation of air distribution in an airliner cabin mockup with displacement ventilation, Building and Environment(一区), 191, 2021, 107577

[40] Lizhi Jia, Junjie Liu*, Shen Wei, Jing Xu, Study on the performance of two water-side free cooling methods in a semiconductor manufacturing factory, Energy and Buildings(二区), 243, 2021, 110977

[41] Lizhi Jia, Shen Wei, Junjie Liu*, A review of optimization approaches for controlling water-cooled central cooling systems, Building and Environment(一区), 203, 2021, 108100

[42] Jiamin Guo, Junjie Liu*, Daixin Tu, Jinxian Zhang, Jing Xu, Peng Xue, Multizone modeling of pressure difference control analyses for an infectious disease hospital, Building and Environment(一区), 206, 2021, 108341

[43] Lizhi Jia, Junjie Liu*, Shen Wei, Optimal chiller loading in dual-temperature chilled water plants for energy saving, Energy and Buildings(二区), 252, 2021, 111425,

[44] Dayi Lai, Junjie Liu*, Ziyue Wu, Jingjing Pei, Yue Qi, Huibo Zhang, Hiroshi Yoshino, Thermal comfort diversity in Chinese urban residential buildings across various climates, Energy and Buildings(二区), 231, 2021, 110632

[45] Shiyu Liu , Junjie Liu , Pan Wang , Jianlin Ren, Jiahua Wang, Droplet surface exposure measurement of a large splashing oil fume in the kitchen with a fluorescent 3D microscopic passive testing method, Building and Environment(一区), 205, 2021, 108223

[46] Mingxin Liu, Junjie Liu*, Diduo Liu, Baomin Huang, Zhaojun Sun, Shen Wei, Wenhua Chen, Xingli Pu, Experimental and numerical investigation of the performance of bogie chassis heater deicing systems, Energy and Buildings(二区), 226, 2020, 110383

[47] Xilei Dai, Junjie Liu*, Xin Zhang, A review of studies applying machine learning models to predict occupancy and window-opening behaviours in smart buildings, Energy and Buildings(二区), 223, 2020, 110159

[48] Lei Zhao, Junjie Liu*, Operating behavior and corresponding performance of mechanical ventilation systems in Chinese residential buildings, Building and Environment(一区), 170, 2020, 106600

[49] Yuan Zhi, Junjie Liu*, Analysis of chemical filter performance and activated carbon microstructure at low concentration, Building and Environment(一区), 169, 2020, 106563

[50] Dingchao Zhang, Junjie Liu, Meng Liu, Lumeng Liu, D.D. Do, On the capture of ultralow-level benzene in indoor environments: Experiments, modeling and molecular simulation, Separation and Purification Technology(一区), 251, 2020, 117306

[51] Yue Qi, Junjie Liu, Dayi Lai, Huibo Zhang, Xiaodong Cao, Shen Wei, Hiroshi Yoshino, Large-scale and long-term monitoring of the thermal environments and adaptive behaviors in Chinese urban residential buildings, Building and Environment(一区), 168, 2020, 106524

[52] Jinyu Liu, Junjie Liu, Dayi Lai, Jingjing Pei, Shen Wei, A field investigation of the thermal environment and adaptive thermal behavior in bedrooms in different climate regions in China, Indoor Air(二区), 17, 2020, 887-898

[53] Dingchao Zhang, Junjie Liu, Cong Wang, Yong Liu, Jiahua Wang,Xu Han, Application of metal-organic frameworks in the purification of indoor hexanal: Experiments and DFT calculations, Building and Environment(一区), 182, 2020, 107095

[54] Lingchang Kong, Junjie Liu, Jianlin Ren, Shiyu Liu, Jiayu Li, Jiahua Wang, Experimental study on particle splash pollution from cooking with fluorescent droplets, Building and Environment(一区), 179, 2020, 106973

[55] Jianlin Ren, Junjie Liu*, Fine particulate matter control performance of a new kind of suspended fan filter unit for use in office buildings, Building and Environment(一区), 149, 2019, 468-467

[56] Xilei Dai, Junjie Liu*, Xin Zhang, Monte Carlo simulation to control indoor pollutants from indoor and outdoor sources for residential buildings in Tianjin, China, Building and Environment(一区), 165, 2019, 106376

[57] Xilei Dai, Junjie Liu*, Xin Zhang, Wenhua Chen, An artificial neural network model using outdoor environmental parameters and residential building characteristics for predicting the nighttime natural ventilation effect, Building and Environment(一区), 159, 2019, 159139

[58] Lizhi Jia, Junjie Liu*, Congcong Wang, Xuan Cao, Zhiwei Zhang, Study of the thermal performance of a novel dew point evaporative cooler, Applied Thermal Engineering(二区), 160, 2019, 114069

[59] Lumeng Liu, Junjie Liu, Yonghong Zeng, Shiliang Johnathan Tan, D.D. Do, D. Nicholson, Formaldehyde adsorption in carbon nanopores–New insights from molecular simulation, Chemical Engineering Journal(一区), 370, 2019, 866-874 

[60] Dingchao Zhang, Junjie Liu, Lizhi Jia, Pan Wang, Xu Han, Speciation of VOCs in the cooking fumes from five edible oils and their corresponding health risk assessments, Atmospheric Environment(二区), 211, 2019, 6-17 



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[3] 刘开元,王晨华,刘俊杰*,化石燃料汽车尾气对燃料电池汽车空调系统影响综述,《暖通空调》,2023,53(6):36-43

[4] 赵磊,刘俊杰*,范莹莹,大风量空气净化器测试标准实验验证及相关思考,《暖通空调》,2023,53(9):32-38

[5] 张帆,范莹莹,刘俊杰*,薛人玮,孟晗,洁净室人员发尘规律研究,《暖通空调》,2022,52(10):168-173

[6] 刘朝军,刘俊杰*丁伊可,马少锋,张秀琴,张建青,空气过滤用高容尘膨体聚四氟乙烯复合材料的制备及其性能,《纺织学报》,2021,42(5):31-37

[7] 职远,张丁超,刘俊杰*,夏群艳,半导体晶圆厂洁净室气态化学污染物测试及污染源分析,《暖通空调》,2021,51(3):46-50

[8] 职远,刘俊杰*,电子洁净室气态化学污染环境控制规范分析,《暖通空调》,2020,50(5):49-55

[9] 胡欣蕊,任键林,刘俊杰*,助推风扇对空气净化器洁净空气量的提升,《暖通空调》,2020,50(2):106-110

[10] 职远,刘俊杰*裴晶晶,大型客机与工业洁净厂房化学过滤器性能指标实验对比,《暖通空调》,2020,50(4):91-96

[11] 刘俊杰*,洪伟萍,赖达祎,全国9座城市住宅主观睡眠热舒适及人员适应性行为长期监测研究,《暖通空调》,2019,49(12):1-14



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[2] 国家标准“洁净室及相关受控环境第2部分:洁净室空气粒子浓度的监测”,GB/T25915.2-2021,国家市场监督管理局、国家标准化管理委员会发布,2021年8月20日发布(主要起草人:施红平、王大千、刘俊杰、冯昕、龙军、王苑、谢敬伟,等)