
Teachers' team



















2018.09-2020.01美国科罗拉大多大学波尔得分校 土木、环境与建筑工程学院联合培养博士




2006.09-2010.07学士湖南大学建筑环境与设备工程 工学



2024ESI高被引论文,Research field of “Engineering”

2023ESI高被引论文,Research field of “Construction & Building Technology; Engineering”



2018COBEE2018国际会议,WOMEN in STEM



国际Top期刊Building and Environment,客座编辑;

国际Top期刊Building and Environment,青年编委;

国际期刊Architectural Intelligence,青年编委;





国际会议Healthy Building 2023-Asia秘书



[1]. 2024天津大学自主创新基金,***通风系统研究,主持

[2]. 2023-2026,国家十四五重点研发计划子课题,室内空气污染物有机毒性和氧化活性定量评价及通风净化技术,主持,165万元

[3]. 2022-2023***特性分析及滤纸,主持

[4]. 2022-2023***外表面换热特性研究,主持

[5]. 2022-2024,国家自然科学基金委员会青年基金,电梯轿厢运行引起病毒气溶胶跨楼层传播的空气动力学机制,主持

[6]. 2022,天津大学自主创新基金,基于人居环境热舒适调研的城市供热次二次网能源管理系统研究,主持

[7]. 2021-2022,中国博士后科学基金会面上项目,风从郊区气象站向市区迁移的机理研究,主持

[8]. 2021,天津大学自主创新基金,***污染物迁移机制的研究,主持

[9]. 2022-2024,国家十四五重点研发计划***技术研究,项目骨干

[10]. 2020-2024***通风关键技术及设备开发研究,项目骨干

[11]. 2021-2023,国家自然科学基金委员会国际合作项目,公共卫生间内新冠病毒气溶胶的产生与传播机理及其通风去除方法,项目骨干

[12]. 2021,加拿大Price Industry北区研究中心,Airborne Pathogens Research,项目骨干

[13]. 2020-2021,美国OTIS总部,COVID-19 Infection Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Measures for Taking Elevators,项目骨干




[1]. 刘素梅,刘俊杰,陈清焰,姜楠,李先庭建筑环境计算流体力学. 2022.

[2]. Mengqiang Lv, Sumei Liu, Qing Cao, Tengfei Zhang, Junjie Liu. 2022. Handbook of Indoor Air Quality, Chapter 54-1, Influence of Ventilation on Indoor Air Quality. Pages 1-38, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-5155-5_54-1, Springer.


[1]. Runming Zhao, Sumei Liu*, Junjie Liu, Nan Jiang, Qingyan Chen. A two-stage CFD-GNN approach for efficient steady-state prediction of urban airflow and airborne contaminant dispersion. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2024, 112(5): 105607.

[2]. Bingqian Chen, Sumei Liu*, Junjie Liu, Nan Jiang, Qingyan Chen. An energy-efficient exhaust hood for industrial buildings with strong thermal buoyancy, Energy and Buildings, 2024(308),114036.

[3]. Jiaxin Zhang, Yanan Zhao, Shihao Wen, Daixin Tu, Junjie Liu, Sumei Liu*. Assessment of COVID-19 Infection Risk, Thermal Comfort, and Energy Efficiency in Negative Pressure Isolation Wards with Varied Ventilation Modes, Energy and Buildings, 2024,308, 114002.

[4]. Runming Zhao, Junjie Liu, Nan Jiang, Sumei Liu*. Wind tunnel and numerical study of outdoor particle dispersion around a low-rise building model. Architectural Intelligence, 2024, 3(1):1.

[5]. Runming Zhao, Sumei Liu*, Junjie Liu, Nan Jiang, Qingyan Chen. Equation discovery of dynamized coefficients in the k-ε model for urban airflow and airborne contaminant dispersion. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 99: 104881.

[6]. Jiaxin Zhang, Shihao Wen, Sumei Liu*, Junjie Liu. Numerical study on melting process and heat transfer analysis of a multitube combination latent heat storage unit with innovative harpoon-type fins. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 233: 121168.

[7]. Ting Dai, Sumei Liu*, Junjie Liu, Nan Jiang, Qingyan Chen. Development of a new dynamic smagorinsky model by an artificial neural network for prediction of outdoor airflow and pollutant dispersion. Building and Environment, 2023, 243: 110624.

[8]. Tengfei Zhang, Guangxing Wei, Sumei Liu*. Numerical Modeling of Cross-Transmission of Airborne Pollutants in a High-Rise Building Induced by Elevator Car Movement. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(13): 7400.

[9]. Sumei Liu*, Zhipeng Deng. Transmission and infection risk of COVID-19 when people coughing in an elevator. Building and Environment, 2023, 238: 110343.

[10]. Bingqian Chen, Sumei Liu*, Liu Junjie, Nan Jiang, Qingyan Chen. Application of data‐driven RANS model in simulating indoor airflow. Indoor air, 2022, 32(10), doi.org/10.1111/ina.13123.

[11]. Xingwang Zhao, Sumei Liu*, Yonggao Yin, Tengfei Zhang, Qingyan Chen. Airborne transmission of COVID-19 virus in enclosed spaces: An overview of research methods. Indoor air, 2022, 32, e13056.

[12]. Tengfei Zhang, Tinglu Zhang, and Sumei Liu*. A Modified Surgical Face Mask to Improve Protection and Wearing Comfort. Buildings, 2022,12,663.

[13]. Tengfei Zhang, Jinsong Dong, and Sumei Liu*. Modeling and Measuring the Leaked-Air Rate into the Insulation Layer of a Single-Aisle Aircraft Cabin. Buildings, 2022,12,652.

[14]. Tengfei Zhang, Mingqi Fan, and Sumei Liu*. Impact of Seat Inclination and Misalignment on Airborne Pollutant Transport in a Single-Aisle Aircraft Cabin. Applied Sciences, 2022,12.9, 4538.

[15]. Sumei Liu, Mike Koupriyanov, Dale Paskaruk, Graham Fediuk, Qingyan Chen. Investigation of airborne particle exposure in an office with mixing and displacement ventilation. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022: 103718.

[16]. Zhao Runming, Sumei Liu*, Junjie Liu, Nan Jiang, Qingyan Chen. Generalizability evaluation of k-ε models calibrated by using ensemble Kalman filtering for urban airflow and airborne contaminant dispersion. Building and Environment, 2022: 108823.

[17]. Sumei Liu, Xingwang Zhao, Stephen R Nichols, Murilo W Bonilha, Tricia Derwinski, James T Auxier, Qingyan Chen. Evaluation of airborne particle exposure for riding elevatorsBuilding and Environment, 2021: 108543.

[18]. Ting Dai, Sumei Liu*, Junjie Liu, Nan Jiang, Wei Liu, Qingyan Chen. Evaluation of fast fluid dynamics with different turbulence models for predicting outdoor airflow and pollutant dispersion. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022,77: 103583.

[19]. Mingxin Liu, Junjie Liu, Qing Cao, Xingyang Li, Sumei Liu*, Shengcheng Ji, Chao-Hsin Lin, Daniel Wei, Xiong Shen, Zhengwei Long, Qingyan Chen. Evaluation of different air distribution systems in a commercial airliner cabin in terms of comfort and COVID-19 infection risk. Building and Environment, 2021: 108590.

[20]. Bingqian Chen, Sumei Liu*, Liu Junjie, Nan Jiang, Qingyan Chen. A new wall function for indoor airflow with buoyancy effectBuilding and Environment, 2021: 108029.

[21]. Sumei Liu, Rui Song, Tengfei Zhang. Residential building ventilation in situations with outdoor PM2.5 pollution. Building and Environment, 2021: 108040.

[22]. Xuan Liu, Xin Zhang, Sumei Liu*, Junjie Liu, Qingyan Chen. Optimization of multi-V filter design for airliner environmental control system using an empirical model. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 257: 117966.

[23]. Xingwang Zhao, Jingnan Sun, Sumei Liu, Zhengwei Long, Yonggao Yin, Qingyan Chen. Inverse design of the thermal environment in an airplane cockpit using the adjoint method with the momentum method. Indoor air, 2021, 31 (5), 1614-1624.

[24]. Sumei Liu, Qing Cao, Xingwang Zhao, Zechao Lu, Zhipeng Deng, Jiankai Dong, Xiaorui Lin, Ke Qing, Weizhen Zhang, Qingyan Chen. Improving indoor air quality and thermal comfort in residential kitchens with a new ventilation system. Building and Environment, 2020(180):107016. 

[25]. Shiyu Zhang, Sumei Liu*, Qingyan Chen. Capturing particles by a rotating disk in a kitchen exhaust hood. Aerosol Science & Technology, 2020, 54(8): 929-940.

[26]. Sumei Liu, Jiankai Dong, Qing Cao, Xiaojie Zhou, Jian Li, Xiaorui Lin, Ke Qing, Weizhen Zhang, Qingyan Chen. Indoor thermal environment and air quality in Chinese-style residential kitchens. Indoor Air, 2019, 30 (2), 198-212.

[27]. Sumei Liu, Wuxuan Pan, Qing Cao, Zhengwei Long, Yi Jiang, Qingyan Chen. CFD simulations of natural cross ventilation through an apartment with modified hourly wind information from a meteorological station. Energy and Buildings, 2019, 195: 16-25.

[28]. Wuxuan Pan, Sumei Liu, Shanshan Li, Xionglei Cheng, Hao Zhang, Zhengwei Long, Tengfei Zhang, Qingyan Chen. A model for calculating single-sided natural ventilation rate in an urban residential apartment. Building and Environment, 2019, 147: 372-381.

[29]. Wuxuan Pan, Sumei Liu, Yiwen Wang, Xionglei Cheng, Hao Zhang, Zhengwei Long. Measurement of cross-ventilation rate in urban multi-zone dwellings. Building and Environment, 2019, 158: 51-59.

[30]. Sumei Liu, Wuxuan Pan, Xingwang Zhao, Hao Zhang, Xionglei Cheng, Zhengwei Long, Qingyan Chen. Influence of surrounding buildings on wind flow around a building predicted by CFD simulations. Building and Environment, 2018, 140: 1-10. 

[31]. Qing Cao, Chun Chen, Sumei Liu, Chao‐Hsin Lin, Daniel Wei, Qingyan Chen. Prediction of particle deposition around the cabin air supply nozzles of commercial airplanes using measured in-cabin particle emission rates. Indoor Air, 2018, 28: 852-865.

[32]. Sumei Liu, Wuxuan Pan, Hao Zhang, Xionglei Cheng, Zhengwei Long, Qingyan Chen. CFD simulations of wind distribution in an urban community with a full-scale geometrical model. Building and Environment, 2017, 117: 11-23.

[33]. Xingwang Zhao, Wei Liu, Sumei Liu, Ying Zou, Qingyan Chen. Inverse design of an indoor environment by using a CFD-based adjoint method with adaptive step size for adjusting design parameter. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2017, 71(7), 707-720.

[34]. Sumei Liu, Junjie Liu, Qingxia Yang, Jingjing Pei, Dayi Lai, Xiaodong Cao, Jiangyue Chao, Chaobin Zhou. Coupled simulation of natural ventilation and daylighting for a residential community design. Energy and Buildings, 2014, 68: 686-695.

[35]. Sumei Liu, Luyi Xu, Jiangyue Chao, Chen Shen, Junjie Liu, Hejiang Sun, Xiaojing Xiao, Guopeng Nan. Thermal environment around passengers in an aircraft cabin, HVAC&R Research, 2013, 19(5): 627-634.

[36]. 刘俊杰刘素梅孙贺江大型客机座舱合理排数的数值模拟天津大学学报, 2013, 46(1): 8-15. (EI)